~ engaged with the spirit of the law ~
~ decolonizing perspectives ~
~ acting with kindness and reciprocity ~


Trained by Indigenous lawyers, Josephine has focused her career on serving First Nations, First Nation organizations and Indigenous individuals. She was co-counsel for two parties with standing at the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, and testified at the Senate on behalf, of the Indigenous Bar Association, with regard to the introduction of the Cannabis Act and Criminal Code amendments related to the introduction of the Cannabis Act. She has worked as counsel for First Nations in regards to child welfare, both as counsel for First Nation child welfare organizations, and as counsel for First Nations with standing to participate in child welfare matters, with a primary focus on Indigenous jurisdiction and culturally appropriate services and treatment before and under the law. She is currently working in the area of Specific Claims, providing legal research and position papers in support of a Treaty organization that is building capacity to realize its jurisdictional development and institutional goals.

Currently, Josephine is working closely with Delia Opekokew, LL.D., IPC, a distinguished member of the Saskatchewan and Ontario Bar, as well as Russell Bennett, the author of Cannabis Law, and historians and researchers, M. Sam Cronk and Vanessa Lio who provide valuable archival research relating to First Nation Specific Claims.

Josephine is a member of the Saskatchewan and Ontario Bar.

Specific Claims

The honour of the Crown is always at stake in its dealings with Aboriginal peoples. At J. de Whytell Law, we pursue justice in keeping with the original sacred agreements between Crown and Indigenous governments. (R. v. Badger, [1996] 1 S.C.R. 771, at para. 41; R. v. Marshall, [1999] 3 S.C.R. 456)

Inherent and Treaty Rights Advocacy and Litigation

Individual and collective inherent rights for Indigenous peoples are constitutionally recognized in Canadian Law. At J. de Whytell Law we act as a check and balance on behalf of, and with Indigenous peoples, to hold Canadian systems accountable when they have breached or infringed on these rights.

Human Rights

Different identities do not confer different rights. At J. de Whytell law we fiercely advocate on behalf of individuals whose human rights have been violated. We seek to broaden the discussion surrounding the human rights of Indigenous and marginalized peoples with a desire to practice law that better reflects the experience of Indigenous and marginalized peoples and provides trauma-informed understanding and guidance..

First Nation Self-Governance

At J. de Whytell Law, we are dedicated to advancing self-governance and inherent jurisdiction in keeping with the dignity and sovereignty of Indigenous governments.

First Nation Elections

We recognize the importance of ensuring self-government in the manner of selecting Indigenous governments, and tailor our services to advance Indigenous democracy in keeping with traditional practices and protocols.

Child Welfare

We care about ensuring all children are treated equally before and under the law, including in respect of the policies and principles applied to their safety and protection.

Public Inquiries, Inquests, Justice and Policing

Perspectives of justice are fundamentally important to ensuring equality in justice. At J. de Whytell Law, we embody our duty to be zealously partisan to our client’s interests, leaving no stone unturned in the search for truth and defence of innocence.

Interventions and Appeals

Intervening to protect your interests ensures leading decisions respect your rights.

Cannabis Law

We respect your right to choose, medicate, socialize, and economize, within the law and Constitution of Canada.

Employment Law

Your livelihood is everything. At J. de Whytell Law, we prioritize your interests and empower you to make the best decisions for your specific needs.

Get In touch


Fax: 249-700-0418

Mobile: 416-899-5672
